
【OTR PerformsCincinnati World Drum Festival 2024

【Cincinnati Chapter】

ACCA in partnership with 3CDC (Cincinnati Center City Development Council) will jointly organize the 1st Cincinnati World Drum Festival at Washington Park (website: https://washingtonpark.org/events/otr-performs-world-drum-festival/) from 6:00PM to 8:00PM on Sunday, July 21, 2024.

Join us for an enchanting evening celebrating unity and harmony through the mesmerizing rhythms of drums and fusion music with the international drumming communities and musicians, promising a joyful midsummer night filled with captivating performances from diverse cultural backgrounds of American, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, African, Caribbean, and more. 

Bring your family and friends,  and immerse yourselves in the magic of rhythm and melody!

This event is generously supported by ArtsWave.




AAPI Heritage Celebration at Fountain Square

【Cincinnati Chapter】

April 11,2024

The 2024 AAPI Heritage Festival took place on May 11th in Fountain Square, of downtown Cincinnati, and was a tremendous success with a hug crowd. Co-presented by the ACCA and the Cincinnati Center City Development Corporation (3CDC), this large-scale event celebrated the cultures, traditions, history, and achievements of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Over 20 Asian organizations and groups participated, collaborating to create a vibrant and inclusive community. The festival featured captivating cultural performances, engaging physical activities and workout, and opportunities to explore the rich heritage of the Asian American communities. From traditional customs to modern interpretations, audiences of all ages enthusiastically participated in the interactive activities and workouts, and enjoyed ethnic artistic performances. The interactive projects that are well-loved by the audience include: Chinese drumming and dragon dance, Tai chi workout, Eight-section brocade (Qigong), Table tennis (ping pong), American Jump Rope, Filipino bamboo pole jumping, and Indian Bollywood-inspired fitness dance.

2024 年亚太裔文化遗产节于 5 月 11 日在辛辛那提市中心的喷泉广场隆重举行并取得了巨大的成功。此次大型活动是由美国华艺(ACCA) 和辛辛那提城市发展中心委员会 (3CDC) 联合举办,旨在庆祝亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民的文化、传统、历史和成就。 20 多个亚洲组织和团体参与了其中,共同努力创建充满活力的多元包容的大社区。此次活动以引人入胜的文化表演、有趣的体育活动和探索亚太裔社区丰富遗产的机会为特色,从传统习俗到现代诠释,各个年龄段的观众都热情地参与互动活动并观赏各族裔的文艺表演。深受观众喜欢的互动活动项目有:中国鼓与龙,太极拳,气功八段锦,乒乓球赛,美国的跳绳,菲律宾竹竿跳,和印度宝莱坞健身操。


Creative Endeavor: When Traditional Chinese Dragon Meets Western Orchestra

【Cincinnati Chapter】

April 15, 2024

To showcase the vibrancy of the Cincinnati international communities,  ACCA accepted the invitation from John Morris Russell (JMR), the music director and conductor of the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra. For the first time, traditional Chinese Dragon dance shared the stage with the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra during the “American Dream” grand concert of the 2023-2024 music season, held on April 12, 13, and 14, 2024 in Cincinnati Music Hall. The fusion creativity and bold endeavor impressed the audience and won rounds of applause from the audience.

In the first half of the concert, besides the traditional Chinese dragon dance, there were also characteristic song and beautiful dance performances from German, Irish, Latin, African, and Indian communities. These collaborations with the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra highlighted the vitality of various international communities in the Greater Cincinnati area.

Accompanied by the beautiful melody of the fourth movement of the double bass concerto “Wolf Totem” by Chinese composer Mr. Tan Dun, the happy dragon marched on the stage of Cincinnati Music Hall with full energy, warmly greeting the audience, the double bass player, the orchestra, and the conductor… When the double bass solo played a melody from the well-known Mongolian folk song “The Sun Rising on the Prairie”, the 18-meter (60-foot) long dragon gracefully spanned the entire stage, rested and listened quietly; when the three major chords at the end of the concerto sounded, the unique aura of the dragon and the surprise captivated the audience, earning thunderous applause and cheers.

The double bass concerto “Wolf Totem” was performed by Owen Lee, a talented second-generation Chinese-American musician who joined the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra in 1996 and currently serves as the principal double bass player of the orchestra.

The energetic dragon dance players have the diverse cultural backgrounds. It was a special collaboration between ACCA and the local Sycamore High School’s Chinese language class, led by Dr. Ning Zhang.

 Mi Shen, the chair of Alliance of Chinese Culture & Arts USA (ACCA) said: “The music director and conductor John Morris Russell’s brilliant concept of integrating traditional Chinese Dragon dance into the ‘American Dream’ grand concert is a daring and creative endeavor. It not only marked the world premiere collaboration between Chinese Dragon dance and the western orchestra, but also breathed new artistic life and joy into the traditional Chinese Dragon dance. To these high school students in the dragon team, it was a rare opportunity for the artistic practice in Chinese language learning and a cross-cultural musical journey.”

In 2017, conductor John Morris Russell led the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and Cincinnati Pops Orchestra on a dual-role to tour performance in Shanghai, performing both classical and pop repertoire. To ensure that Chinese children are exposed to the beauty of pop music at an early age, John even took time out of his busy schedule to visit the school and collaborate with the student orchestra to rehearse the classic film music pieces that Cincinnati Pop Orchestra is best at.



伴随着华人作曲家谭盾先生的低音大提琴协奏曲《狼图腾》(Wolf Totem) 第四乐章优美的弦律,快乐祥和的中国龙,元气满满的地行进在了美国最古老的辛辛那提音乐厅(Music Hall)大舞台,暖心地与观众打招呼,与低音大提演奏家打招呼,与乐队打招呼,与指挥打招呼….. 当低音大提琴独奏耳熟能详的民歌《草原上升起不落的太阳》中的一段弦律时,这条18米(60英尺)的长龙横跨整个舞台,静静地憩息聆听;当协奏曲结尾的三个大和弦响起时,中国龙特有的那份气场和带给观众的惊喜赢得了全场观众最热烈的掌声和喝彩。

《狼图腾》低音大提琴协奏曲是由一位才华横溢的第二代美国华裔音乐家,1996年加入辛辛那提交响乐团现担任该团低音大提琴首席的李浩然 (Owen Lee)演奏。这支朝气蓬勃的、有着不同文化背景的舞龙队是美美国华艺与本地梧桐高中中文学习课程的一个特别合作项目。

美国华艺联合会主席沈宓女士说:音乐总监和指挥约翰·莫里斯·拉塞尔 John Morris Russell)对中国传统舞龙的精彩构思,完美地融入到了《美国梦》大型音乐会中。这是一个非常大胆而又有创意的实践。它不仅创下了中国舞龙与优秀流行乐团合作的世界首秀,赋予了中国传统舞龙新的艺术生命和乐趣。同时对这群具有不同文化背景的舞龙队的学生来说,这是一次难得的中文学习的艺术实践和跨文化的音乐之旅。

2017年指挥家约翰·莫里斯·拉塞尔 (John Morris Russell)曾率领辛辛那提交响乐团,以古典乐团和流行乐团双重身份到访上海巡演。为让中国小孩尽早接触到音乐的美妙,约翰主动提议抽出时间到学校去与学生校乐队交流,一起排演辛辛那提流行乐团最擅长的经典电影音乐作品。

(The following photos photographed by Mark Lyons, Ping Cui, and Mike Zhang)


Lunar New Year Celebrations 2024 at Minnesota Orchestra Hall

【Minnesota Chapter


ACCA in partnership with Minnesota Orchestra in third year,  celebrated the Lunar New Year and welcomed the year of the Dragon on February 17, 2024 at Minnesota Orchestra Hall before the concert.

The Minnesota Orchestra Hall was spectacularly decorated with the traditional Chinese lanterns, silk umbrella, red ribbons, dragon, and more. Before the concert starts at 7:30PM, the pre-concert was hosted from 5:45PM to 7:00PM at the 1st floor and 3rd floor with colorful folk dances and Asian folk music performed by the local dance groups and Carleton College Chinese Music Ensemble.

ACCA’s beautiful 60 ft long LED dragon dance performed during the 1st half of the concert inside the Orchestra Hall.

After the event, Mary Ellyn Johnson, the Manager of Community Engagement of Minnesota Orchestra sent the thank you letter to the ACCA co-chair Bingwen Yan and said : “Thank you so much for your collaboration on the Lunar New Year pre-concert festivities this year. I’ve heard so many lovely comments from patrons about their experience and specifically how much they enjoyed the music and dance programs. I know it is a busy time of year for collaboration and I appreciate your valuable time and talents, thank you for sharing them with us here at Orchestra Hall.”

This event is generously sponsored by Metro Regional Arts Council (MRAC) and  partnered with Minnesota Orchestra.


Lunar New Year Celebration 2024 at Liberty Center

Cincinnati Chapter


The first Lunar New Year celebration jointly presented by the Liberty Center and Alliance of Chinese Culture & Arts USA (ACCA) on February 24, 2024 at the Liberty Center in the suburban area of Greater Cincinnati with a big crowd. The stylish Liberty Center was decorated with Chinese lanterns, red knots, and the colorful backdrops in welcoming visitors and families from all over the region with great joy. The event was extremely received with applause, laughter and cheers echoing throughout the Liberty Center. Over 1000 shoppers, visitors, and audience participated the event.

This event’s title sponsor is NEXXUS Properties LLC.


Lunar New Year Celebration 2024 with NBA at Sacramento Golden1 Center

Sacramento Chapter


On the Lunar New Year’s Eve – 02/09/2024, the Sacramento Honor Kung Fu Academy, a long-time partner supported and sponsored by ACCA, was once again invited to participate in the opening ceremony and the halftime performance of the NBA league at Golden1 Center in Sacramento, the capital city of California, welcoming the arrival of the Year of the Dragon with tens of thousands of audience. The energetic Kung Fu kids beautifully showcased the spirit of Kung Fu and won the rounds of warm applause.


Cincinnati Asian Arts Festival Returns in Fall 2023

Cincinnati Chapter


The Cincinnati Asian Arts Festival returns to the Square in Liberty Center on October 7, 2023 was made profoundly special by partnering with the Liberty Center, sponsored by ArtsWave and Ohio Arts Council , led by ACCA, and jointly presented by the local Asian communities on such a momentous day. 21 organizations and groups from Greater Cincinnati, including Chinese, Indian, Filipino , Thai, Japanese, Korea, and the high school clubs participated. Over 1000 audience encountered a day filled with a completely immersive experience and enjoyed a day filled with vibrant colors and mesmerizing performances. The event is highly received by the crowds with a huge success. All programs and activities are designed for families and kids at all ages, linking the arts to our humanity through the powers of sight, sound, and touch!

This event is in partnership with Liberty Center, sponsored by ArtsWave and Ohio Arts Council.

The festival trailer:

Event Photos by Peter Cui and Jack Yang


2023 Lunar New Year Celebrations & Concerts (中国农历新年庆典暨音乐会)

Lunar New Year celebration marks the beginning of spring with all the color and festive moods of the season of rebirth. That joy, celebrated for centuries in Asia, shines through the programs and activities designed for the families, friends, and music lovers at all ages.

Cincinnati Chapter】 Lunar New Year Celebration & Concert 2023

02/03/2023 & 02/04/2023

ACCA in partnership with Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, celebrated the Lunar New Year and welcomed the year of the Rabbit on February 3 & 4, 2023 at Music Hall. Over 5000 audience experienced the Lunar New Year cultural traditions. The 145 year old Music Hall was beautifully decorated with the traditional Chinese lanterns, red knots, and paper-cuttings. The fun activities include making your own Chinese zodiac plate and Paper cutting demo. The Cincinnati-Dayton Japanese drum group displayed the Taiko at the Asian cultural booth.

The wonderful performances before the concert last 1 hour in the foyer of the Music Hall. The Chinese folk dances and traditional Chinese musical instruments,  performed by the Chinese performing arts  youth groups won warm applause from the audience.  Also the Filipino and Indian folk dance groups joined to perform.

The feedback from the Indian participating group: “The warm and cordial welcome to the Lunar New Year celebration and the opportunity to be an inherent part of it and exhibit music and dance from different parts of Asia was incredible. Children brought up in a different land are exposed to their own culture and tradition and are allowed to participate in different forms of visual art, that speaks volumes about the heritage. The decoration, variety of cultural elements, entire organization of the evening was amazing. This gave an opportunity to many of us to enjoy the diverse artistic display of Chinese dance and music as well as other Asian visual art forms. Attending this event enabled us to understand and appreciate other cultures.”

Volunteers with the CSO conductor Louis Langree
ACCA Chair Mi Shen (right 3) with the Cincinnati cultural organization leaders of Filipino, Indian, and Asian Art Society.


【Minnesota Chapter】Lunar New Year Celebration & Concert 2023


ACCA in partnership with Minnesota Orchestra in second year, celebrated the Lunar New Year and welcomed the year of the Rabbit on January 28, 2023 at Minnesota Orchestra Hall. 

The Orchestra Hall was spectacularly decorated with the traditional Chinese lanterns, red ribbons, dragon, cultural booths, and more. Before the concert, the colorful performances from the local Chinese community were hosted in the 1st floor and 3rd floor of the orchestra hall. 

The concert performed by Minnesota Orchestra was a huge success with highly positive feedback from the participants. The artists’ exquisite performances, beautiful melodies, and warm applause echoed in the Orchestra Hall for a long time. This is a beautiful multi-cultural music feast and the warmest evening in Minnesota’s winter time. 

After the event on 02/03/2023, Michelle Miller Burns, the President and CEO of Minnesota Orchestra sent the greetings letter to the ACCA co-chair Bingwen Yan and said :”From the grandeur of the decorations and the pre-concert dancers, vocalists, and musicians to the awe-inspiring lion dance during the intermission, the evening is quite simply breathtaking.”


Happy Lunar New Year! Happy the Year of the Rabbit!


Cincinnati Asian Arts Event Series in Fall 2022

【Cincinnati Chapter】

September – October 2022

This year, the Asian Arts Festival is planned larger and bigger than last year.  In the spirit of collaboration, the Asian communities in Greater Cincinnati area are working together and committed to creating a more connected environment where everyone at all ages is welcome to be who they are and bridge the cultural difference through the power of arts.

Composed of FOUR events in Fall:

Event 1:  Asian Creative Expression @BLINK® Parade 2022


The Cincinnati Asian Culture & Arts Committee, led by ACCAUS, is pleased to collaborate with the local Asian communities who represent the cultures of East Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia geographically, for the 1st time to participate in the BLINK® Parade and showcase Asian creative expression through 6 Asian floats (Chinese Dragon and Panda, Thai Elephant, Filipino Parol, Indian Lotus and Diwali), Dragon dance, Indian percussion, and more under the theme of “Play & Joy” at 7:30PM on October 13, 2022.

BLINK parade photos and videos:

ACCA Cincinnati Chapter Board Members


Event 2: Community Arts “Paint & Play”

September 10, 2022

The Asian Communities of Greater Cincinnati offered a playful community arts activity for children of 3-18 yrs old. The children colored the themed float of Thai Elephant, Painted the float bases of Indian Lotus and Panda that were showcased at the BLINK Parade 2022.

Event photos:


Event 3: BLINK Weekend Celebration through Asian Creative Expression

October 15, 2022

With the support of ArtsWave through proud friends of BLINK for illuminating community, the Cincinnati Asian communities worked together to celebrate the BLINK weekend – display the amazing floats from the BLINK parade, and perform folk dances and music for kids and families at all ages at The Square in Liberty Center on October 15, 2022 from noon – 4:00pm

Website from Liberty Center: Cincinnati Asian Art Alliance | Liberty Center | 7100 Foundry Row Liberty Township, OH

Event photos:


Event 4: Gala Concert “Galloping”

October 23, 2022

The Alliance of Chinese Culture & Arts USA (ACCA-US) in partnership with Cincinnati Art Museum to jointly present the gala concert “Galloping Through Dynasties” in Faith Auditorium of Cincinnati Art Museum at 2:00PM on October 23, 2022. It is a special program created for the special exhibition “Galloping Through Dynasties”, the legend of Chinese horse in ancient time. The gala concert is to explore vast grassland and horse through Chinese music and folk dances.  You will experience the charming sounds of Matouqin (aka Morin Khuur), known as the horsehead fiddle, a traditional Mongolian bowed string instrument, and played by the Mongolian musicians from China Wushen Matouqin Orchestra. Also the amazing drawings and paintings depicting “Horse” by our local youths and the schools will be displayed and celebrated at the concert.

Event Photos:


AAPI Heritage Celebration and Award Gala 2022


【Cincinnati Chapter】ACCA in collaboration with the other 3 Asian-American organizations, jointly organized the 1st AAPI Gala at Memorial Hall on May 14, 2022. Over 400 audience participated the event. The Cincinnati mayor Aftab, the 1st Asian-American mayor in the major midwest cities, delivered powerful keynote speech. The distinguished guest speakers shared their view about the challenges that Asian-Americans are facing in Ohio and empowered our youth at large. The youth leaders Sam Cao, Harsha Ramesh, and Daphne Constantinides nominated by Chinese, Indian, and Filipino community, won the AAPI youth leadership awards. The wonderful programs performed by the musicians from Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, as well as award-winning Chinese, Indian and Filipino folk dance  groups, youth Guzheng ensemble, and the Winton Woods High School varsity Choir. 

“It is just the beginning of the journey. In the spirit of collaboration, our Asian community will get stronger by working together inclusively while maintaining our differences.”


2022 Minnesota Lunar New Year Celebration & Concert


【Minnesota Chapter】 The ACCA in partnership with the Minnesota orchestra (明尼苏达交响乐团)worked with 10 local Asian community groups together on February 5, 2022 to celebrate and honor year of the Tiger, which symbolizes courage, bravery, resilience, and strength

The 75-minutes performance was held at N. Bud Grossman Mezzanine in Minnesota Orchestra Hall from 6:30pm-7:45pm.  Over 400 people enjoyed Asian music and the colorful folk dances with family and friends in an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome to be who they are.  Especially the Chinese traditional lion dance created an exciting  and festive atmosphere for audience of different ages and abilities.

“While the world has experienced several difficult years in the pandemic, Chinese mythology tells that the Year of the Tiger could offer hope amid the challenges.”

This event is generously sponsored by Arts Midwest,  National Endowment for the Arts, and Minnesota Orchestra


Cincinnati Asian Arts Festival 2021


Cincinnati Chapter】The Cincinnati Art Museum in collaboration with local Asian community groups, jointly presented the Cincinnati Asian Arts Festival 2021. Due to COVID looming, the festival, a planned large in-door event, had to be pivoted to be a virtual event. A 60-minutes festival was safely live-streamed from the social media platforms of the event partner Cincinnati Art Museum to a broader home audience. It attracted and connected thousands of viewers online. The festival celebrates the theme “Inclusion, Diversity, and Life” with the hopes of building a more vibrant, connected, and prosperous community through the power of arts. It was the first time in Cincinnati history to see so many Asian cultural groups including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Laos, Thai, Indian, and Bhutanese worked together in one event and bring people together to experience the Asian culture & arts.

The Chair of ACCA Mi Shen said: ”As the event chair, I am very honored to have the opportunity to work with the diverse groups and truly inspired by their kind spirit to collaborate and make Cincinnati a better place to live for everyone.

This event is sponsored by ArtsWave.

Now the event video is available at Cincinnati Art Museum’s website https://www.cincinnatiartmuseum.org/asianartsfest/

The event promotional trailer: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CAMConnect/permalink/2857042881253547/


Minnesota Chinese New Year Celebration 2021

02/13/21 – 2/14/21

Minneapolis Chapter 】 Minnesota Chinese groups partnered with the “Mall of America” ​​again and jointly held the Chinese New Year celebration on February 13 and 14, 2021. Hundreds of prosperous lanterns are hung up high, the special oversized screen and the special picture wall made the mall’s visitors refreshed and immersed in the joyous and auspicious holiday atmosphere.  The audience can watch the pre-recorded celebration performances through the TCF Rotunda TV in the Mall. The COVID-19 can‘t stop people’s hopes for a better tomorrow.  

2021213-14日,明州华人和北美最大的购物中心 “美国商城Mall of America),再次携手共同举办了一场别开生面的中国新年庆典活动。上百只红红火火的灯笼高高挂起,特制的超大幕布和特别的留影台让现场观众耳目一新,沉浸在欢乐吉祥的节日气氛中。通过TCF Rotunda 电视,在商场播放与游客共庆, 给疫情下的人们送去了温暖的祝福。疫情挡不住人们对美好明天的期盼

2021 Lunar New Year Virtual Concert


Cincinnati Chapter】 ACCA collaborated with Cincinnati Memorial Hall and presented the 2021 Lunar New Year Concert, a free virtual concert featuring the performances from the China National Traditional Orchestra (中央民族乐团), GRAMMY winner Howard Levy, Beijing Opera performing artist Wenge Hu (胡文阁), as well as musicians from the Chicago and San Diego Symphony Orchestras (芝加哥交响乐团 和圣地亚哥交响乐团). It was video-streamed at 7:30pm on 02/12/2021 from the website of Memorial Hall, Facebook, YouTube, Zooms of the partner organizations and ACCA chapters, and so on. Over 30,000 viewers watched the concert.

Welcome to the Virtual Concert:

Official Trailer:



JUNE 22, 2020

ACCA News 】ACCA collaborated with the CCTV. com, the Chinese Musical Instruments Collaboration Association, and the Pop Music Society of Chinese Music Association to jointly bring the 24-hours virtual concert Music For Love to the world! Over 600 artists from 50 nations took part in the concert, and over 80 million viewers watched globally between 10 a.m. June 20, 2020 and 10 a.m. June 21, 2020. 由央视网、中华文化促进会乐器产业协作体、中国音乐家协会流行音乐学会,和美中文化艺术联合会共同推出的“爱乐之声”全球24小时云端音乐会圆满结束!

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2020-06-22 11:06 《中国日报》

The 24-hour global virtual concert under the theme of “Music For Love” ended successfully on June 21. More than 600 musicians, performers and singers from over 50 counties took part in the concert.

The concert consisted of 12 movements, with each movement lasting two hours. Highlights included the Peking Opera’s Ode to Pear Blossom performed by Wenge Hu, the only successor of the meidan, a female role in Peking Opera; Leaves Flying in Autumn composed and performed by the Grammy-winning pipa virtuoso Man Wu; Piano Sonata for the Left Hand composed by Carl Reineck and performed by Gary Graffman, the teacher of the pianists Yuja Wang and Lang Lang; Overture of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg composed by Richard Wagner, performed by the Florence Opera House of Italy, and conducted by Zubin Mehta; Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, the symphonic poem by Claude Debussy, performed by Russia Mariinsky Theatre and conducted by Valery Gergiev; Sergej Prokofjew Sinfonie Nr. 3 c-Moll op. 44, performed by German Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and conducted by Pietari Inkinen; Symphony No. 2 by Mahler, performed by Orquesta Filarmonica de Gran Canaria and conducted by Karel Mark Chichon; Roman Carnival Overture, composed by Hector Berlioz, performed by Detroit Symphony Orchestra and conducted by Leonard Slatkin; Animal Carnival by Saint-Saën, performed by 28 young musicians of New World Players from eight countries and regions for children all over the world.

A 24-hour global virtual concert under the theme of “Music For Love” was held on Sunday. Over 600 musicians, performers and singers from over 50 counties are participating in the concert. [Photo provided to China Daily] 

Pianist Justus Frantz, violinist Noah Bendix-Balgley, professor and conductor Mark Gibson, French horn player and professor Xiaoming Han, conductor Xian Zhang, Gürzenich Kammerorchester Köln, Ukrainian National Symphony Orchestra, Wuhan Symphony Orchestra, Tianjin Symphony Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, Tibet Philharmonic Orchestra, Changchun Film Orchestra, Shanxi Symphony Orchestra, Suzhou Symphony Orchestra, and around 30 musicians who are the principal or assistant principal chair from the 28 leading symphony orchestras in the US such as the New York Philharmonic, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Philadelphia Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic and San Diego Symphony Orchestra also took part in the concert.

音乐会分为12个主题乐章,包括爱乐之声、相约时刻、大爱苍生、众志成城、和衷共济、 砥砺前行、祝福世界、心手相牵、春暖花开、五洲同心、爱在初夏、世界一家。参与音乐会的中外音乐家,包括作曲家赵季平,指挥家祖宾·梅塔、瓦列里·杰基耶夫,钢琴家安杰伊·亚辛斯基、尤斯图斯·弗朗茨、加里·格拉夫曼、亚历山大·帕雷、史考特·麦克布莱德·史密斯,小提琴家吕思清、罗伯特·卡巴拉,圆号演奏家韩小明,歌唱家廖昌永、雷佳、魏松、莫华伦、王宏伟,国乐艺术家方锦龙,箜篌演奏家崔君芝等。还有成龙、吴京、王力宏、黄晓明、佟丽娅、谭维维、平安等海内外影视领域名人,以及德国广播爱乐乐团、美国底特律交响乐团、西班牙大加那利爱乐乐团、德国特罗辛根音乐学院等众多国内外著名交响乐团和音乐学院。

A 24-hour global virtual concert under the theme of “Music For Love” was held on Sunday. Over 600 musicians, performers and singers from over 50 counties are participating in the concert. [Photo provided to China Daily] 

Bringing the curtain down, the event director Long Wang said: “Music is the most beautiful and powerful language to bring people together in this unprecedented time. I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thanks to the artists for their amazing performance and support! Also I would like to thank my colleagues and the organizing partners for our great collaboration.”

A 24-hour global virtual concert under the theme of “Music For Love” was held on Sunday. Over 600 musicians, performers and singers from over 50 counties are participating in the concert. [Photo provided to China Daily]


【预告片】 “爱乐之声” 全球24 小时云端音乐会 (北京时间: 10am June 20-10am June 21, 2020)

【快讯】传递音乐力量,让爱点亮世界!在这全世界抗击疫情的特殊时期,本协会“美中文化艺术联合会”将与央视网、中华文化促进会乐器产业协作体、中国音乐家协会流行音乐学会等于2020年6月20日-21日联合主办《五洲同心 世界一家》– “爱乐之声” 全球24 小时云端音乐会。届时来自50多个国家的600多位中外艺术家将通过音乐送上祝福传递温暖。

May the power of music light up the world! In this unprecedented times to fight coronavirus pandemic worldwide, the CCTV. com, the Chinese Musical Instruments Collaboration Association, the Pop Music Society of Chinese Music Association, and the Alliance of Chinese Culture & Arts USA will jointly organize the virtual event “One World One Family” under the theme of “Music For Love”, a 24-hour global virtual concert held from Saturday at 10 a.m. on June 20 through Sunday at 10 a.m. on June 21 (Beijing time). Over 600 musicians, performers, and singers around the world will participate the event.


【2020 春节活动一览】ACCA chapters partnered with the performing arts agent and collaborated with the local member orgs to celebrate the 2020 Lunar New Year. ACCA分会以及其明星社团携手合作,共庆新春佳节

2020 Cincinnati Lunar New Year Celebration

Cincinnati Chapter 01/24/2020

Lunar New Year Eve’s Concert 2020 at Cincinnati Memorial Hall (8:00pm, 01/24/2020)

2020 Lunar New Year Celebration at Cincinnati Memorial Hall – Youth Program  (6:30pm, 01/24/2020)

Meet & Greet

Volunteers for 2020 Lunar New Year Celebration at Cincinnati Memorial Hall  (01/24/2020)

Event photographed by Yi Hu 胡毅 (Cincinnati)


2020 Minneapolis Chinese New Year Celebration

Minneapolis Chapter 02/01/20 – 02/02/20

Event photographed by Gongping Liu 刘公平,Lei Li李雷



【Minneapolis Chapter】The “Embrace China” Art Troupe returned to Minneapolis after 11 years and successfully concluded the gala performance on 10/13/2019. The grand performance brought warmth to over thousand of overseas Chinese and local people in Minneapolis. The ACCA is honored to be a patron for this amazing event. 《亲情中华  欢聚明州》于2019年10月13日圆满结束了在明州的慰侨演出。11年后的重逢,盛大的演出为明尼阿波利斯上千位侨胞和当地民众带来了融融的暖意,共度了一个不眠之夜。继2018年9月ACCA助力支持《亲情中华》到访辛辛那提后,今年ACCA明尼阿波利斯分会亲自落地协办此项活动 。(以下演出照由Jijun He拍摄)


2019 Sacramento Mid-Autumn Festival & the 40th Anniversary of China-US Diplomatic Relations


Sacramento Chapter The Sacramento Chapter celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival and the 40th Anniversary of China-US Diplomatic Relations on 09/14/19. 加州首府萨克拉门托1500多位华人华侨和政要欢聚一堂,共庆中美建交40周年暨中秋佳节。

加州首府萨克拉门托分会会长 刘少艺女士接受美国首位华裔议员赵美沁博士的贺状


2019 Cincinnati Mid-Autumn Festival & 40th Anniversary of China-US Diplomatic Relations


【Cincinnati Chapter】For celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival (aka Moon Festival) and the 40th Anniversary of China-US Diplomatic Relations , the Zhuhai Golden Jazz Cross Music Orchestra was invited to Cincinnati from China and performed at the gala concert. It brings a new audiovisual experience to Cincinnati audience。 It is a great dialogue between the Shaanxi Qinqiang opera, which has more than 600 years of history and the Jazz, which originated from the United States with more than 100 years of history! 珠海金爵士跨乐乐团应邀参加辛辛那提中美文化艺术节《花好月圆》中秋晚会. 秦腔花脸与爵士乐合作的新作品给辛城观众耳目一新的视听体验。具有600多年历史的陕西秦腔和源于美国有100多年历史的爵士乐之间实现了一次伟大的对话!加盟表演的还有辛辛那提大学芭蕾系的学生,旅美琵琶古筝演奏家柯明,和当地的华人悦声合唱团。(以下演出照片由陈坚 [Jian Chen]拍摄)

About Golden Jazz: Golden Jazz Culture Industry Management Co., Ltd. was established in September 2014 and is located in Zhuhai, China. The company vision is to adhere to tolerance and artistic innovation, promote the popularization of Jazz in China, and strive to create a top-class jazz school fusing with Chinese cultural elements and a cultural exchange platform between China and the West. The Chinese Opera and Jazz Fusion Project, which was launched by the Golden Jazz Cross Music Orchestra, was awarded the 2018 “One Belt and One Road” cultural trade and investment project by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in China。金爵士文化产业管理有限公司成立于2014 年9 月,位于广东珠海。公司理念是坚持包容和艺术创新,推广普及爵士乐,致力打造具有中国特色的爵士乐顶尖学府和中西文化交流平台。其旗下由金爵士跨乐乐团推出的中国戏曲与爵士乐融合项目被中国文化和旅游部评为2018“一带一路”文化贸易与投资重点项目。


5th New York Chinese Instruments International Competition 2019 第五届纽约中国民族器乐国际比赛正在火热报名中

When: August 24 – 25, 2019

Where: Schwartz Theatre, State University of New York (33 W, 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036)


5th Asian Art Society Lecture

May 19, 2019


金猪送福 春节快乐   Happy Year of the Pig


“Colorful Sichuan” Troupe celebrated Chinese New Year in USA

February 7~ February 18, 2019

【Special News】 The “Colorful Sichuan” Troupe of the Sichuan Song and Dance Theatre were invited by ACCA and visited  Cincinnati, Atlanta, and Minneapolis between  February 7th and February 18th, 2019 during Spring Festival. The Troupe performed at a series of Chinese New Year cultural exchange events that were hosted by the local Chinese communities and shared the stage with the local artists and students to celebrate the 2019 Spring Festival.特迅】应美中文化艺术联合会的特别邀请,四川省歌舞剧院《多彩四川》春节访美艺术团于2019年1月18日全体获得公务签证。该团于2月7日~2月18日春节期间到访了位于美国中部南部和北部的辛辛那提,亚特兰大,和明尼阿波利斯三个城市。参加了由当地华人社团主办的各类春节系列文化交流活动,并与当地的艺术家和学生共享舞台,共贺新春佳节。

“Colorful Sichuan” Troupe@Cincinnati《多彩四川》 精彩绽放@辛辛那提

“Colorful Sichuan” Troupe@Atlanta《多彩四川》 精彩绽放@亚特兰大⬇️

“Colorful Sichuan” Troupe@Minneapolis《多彩四川》 绽放精彩@明尼阿波利斯⬇️

2019 四川省歌舞剧院 美国交流演出节目 – Programs

“Colorful Sichuan” Troupe of the Sichuan Providence Song and Dance Theatre  四川省歌舞剧院有限责任公司赴美《多彩四川》艺术团
Executive Director (团长):  Xiaohu Han (韩小虎)              Stage Director (舞台总监):  Munai Zha (札木乃)

1.    Corps De Folk Dance:  A Hundred Blossoms    舞蹈《百花争妍》
2.    Sichuan Opera Face Changing    Performed by Chuan Ren        川剧变脸  表演者: 任川
3.   Tibetan Ethnic Dance:  Yoyo Kangding Love      藏族舞蹈《溜溜康定溜溜情》
4.   Acrobatics:  Ball Juggling       Performed by Xingyu Lu  杂技《球技》  表演者: 卢星宇
5.   Qiang Ethnic Dance:  Er Ma Girls      羌族舞蹈《尔玛姑娘》
6.   Pipa Solo:  Song of Wrangler 《放马山歌》四川民歌 Arranged by Jiuyue Ma (马久越) Shoudi Zhou (Pipa Virtuoso)  周守頔 (四川省交响乐团);      
8.   Tea Ceremony:  Exquisite Aroma of Tea  Performed by Chuan Ren    茶艺《茶香四溢》  表演者:仼川
9.   Yi Ethnic Dance:  In Holiday Array        彝族群舞《节日盛装》


Special News】 Chinese musicians celebrated the 2019 Chinese New Year with the students at Miami University【特讯】欢度中国年:中国音乐家走进美国大学校园@Miami University

The Suona virtuoso, Mr. Yazhi Guo made a stunning debut@Miami University ⬇️著名唢呐演奏家郭雅志先生惊艳亮相@Miami University ⬇️

The impromptu performance of the famous Suona virtuoso Yazhi Guo and the Matouqin virtuoso Jinshan @Miami University 著名唢呐演奏家郭雅志与马头琴演奏家阿拉腾乌拉-金山的即兴合作表演@Miami University ⬇️

A group photo of all the cast members of the Spring Festival Gala at Miami University 春节联欢晚会全体演职人员大合影@Miami University ⬇️


Kunqu Opera Visits USA During Spring Festival 2017


ACCA News】 Kunshan located in Jiangsu, China is the birthplace of Kunqu Opera. Kunqu Opera is the oldest drama in China with a history of more than 600 years. With the support of the Chinese Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, our organizing committee of the Spring Festival invited 12 Kunqu opera artists from the Kunshan Modern Kunqu Theatre to come to Pittsburgh and Cincinnati for celebrating the Chinese New Year with the local audience (January 26-February 5, 2017). The artists also visited the local public and private schools and interacted closely with the students.

中国江苏昆山是昆曲的发源地,昆曲做为中国最老的剧种距今有600多年的历史. ACCA春节活动组委会特别邀请了昆山现代昆剧院一行12位艺术家于2017年春节期间(1月26日~2月5日)来美与匹兹堡和辛辛那提的华人华侨共度新春佳节。同时艺术家们还走进当地的公立和私立学校与美国学生进行零距离的互动和交流。

Kunshan Modern Kunqu Theatre @Pittsburgh 昆山现代昆剧院 @ 匹兹堡 ⬇️

Kunshan Modern Kunqu Theatre @Pittsburgh 昆山现代昆剧院 @ 匹兹堡 ⬇️

Kunshan Modern Kunqu Theatre @Pittsburgh 昆山现代昆剧院 @ 匹兹堡 ⬇️

Kunshan Modern Kunqu Theatre @Pittsburgh 昆山现代昆剧院 @ 匹兹堡 ⬇️

Kunshan Modern Kunqu Theatre @Pittsburgh 昆山现代昆剧院 @ 匹兹堡 ⬇️

Kunshan Modern Kunqu Theatre @Cincinnati 昆山现代昆剧院@辛辛那提 ⬇️

Kunshan Modern Kunqu Theatre @Cincinnati 昆山现代昆剧院@辛辛那提 ⬇️

Kunshan Modern Kunqu Theatre @Cincinnati 昆山现代昆剧院@辛辛那提 ⬇️

The world premiere of the symphonic Kunqu Opera “Peony Pavilion• Soap Robe” was performed by Kunshan Modern Kunqu Theatre @Cincinnati 昆山现代昆剧院 交响版的昆曲《牡丹亭•皂罗袍》世界首演 at Cincinnati ⬇️

2017 昆山当代昆剧院美国交流演出曲目 – Programs
        扈三娘…… 张月明 饰

曲目介绍:祝家庄联合扈家庄与梁山英雄为敌,王英奉宋江之命攻打头阵, 然则对阵之时气力不支、相形见拙,终为扈三娘所擒。


        杜丽娘…… 许丽娜 饰  
        柳梦梅…… 黄朱雨 饰

      鲁智深……曹志威 饰

      杜丽娘…… 邹美玲 饰
      柳梦梅…… 黄朱雨 饰
      小提琴演奏…… 瞿琪霞




Beijing Bamboo Orchestra


【ACCA NewsThe Beijing Bamboo Orchestra was invited by ACCA to celebrate the Spring Festival 2016 with local audiences in Minneapolis, Atlanta, and Cincinnati from February 17 to February 24, 2016. Over 5,000 people attended the Chinese New Year celebrations in these three cities, enjoying the unique showcase and performances of the bamboo orchestra. Additionally, the bamboo musicians visited local educational centers and colleges, engaging with students and sharing their craft.

美国华艺联合会春节活动组委会特别邀请了北京竹乐团一行17位艺术家于2016年春节期间(2月17日~2月24日)来美与明尼阿波利斯, 亚特兰大, 和辛辛那提的华人华侨共度新春佳节。同时艺术家们还走进当地的高中和大学校园与美国学生进行零距离的互动和交流。

Beijing Bamboo Orchestra @ Minneapolis 北京竹乐团@明尼阿波利斯 ⬇️

Beijing Bamboo Orchestra @ Minneapolis 北京竹乐团@明尼阿波利斯 ⬇️

Beijing Bamboo Orchestra @ Minneapolis 北京竹乐团@明尼阿波利斯 ⬇️

Beijing Bamboo Orchestra @ Minneapolis 北京竹乐团@明尼阿波利斯 ⬇️

Beijing Bamboo Orchestra @ Minneapolis 北京竹乐团@明尼阿波利斯 ⬇️

Beijing Bamboo Orchestra @Cincinnati 北京竹乐团@辛辛那提 ⬇️

Beijing Bamboo Orchestra @Cincinnati 北京竹乐团@辛辛那提 ⬇️

Beijing Bamboo Orchestra @Atlanta 北京竹乐团@亚特兰大 ⬇️

Beijing Bamboo Orchestra @Atlanta 北京竹乐团@亚特兰大 ⬇️

Beijing Bamboo Orchestra @Atlanta 北京竹乐团@亚特兰大 ⬇️

Beijing Bamboo Orchestra @Atlanta 北京竹乐团@亚特兰大 ⬇️

Historical events glance: Click here to view the archived events prior to 2016。 浏览2016年前的合作社团活动照片