About Us

The Alliance of Chinese Culture & Arts USA (ACCA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization comprised of local chapters across the regions, all operated by dedicated volunteers. Our mission is to create immersive experiences of Chinese cultural arts and develop “East meets West” programs for the local communities, and partner with the professional groups to organize public events that connect people and create economic impact through the sights, sounds, and touches of Chinese cultural arts. Since 2020, we have broadened our mission to enhance collaboration among Asian cultural communities, showcasing Asian creative expressions to foster a more vibrant and prosperous community through the transformative power of the arts.

美中文化艺术联合会(简称:美国华艺)是在美国联邦注册的民间非盈利组织, 由各地区分会组成,并全部由社区志愿者运行。其使命是为当地社区创造沉浸式的中华文化体验, 开发“东西方交融”项目, 并与职业机构合作举办大型的社区公益活动,通过中国文化艺术视觉、听觉和触觉的魅力来增进民众的了解并促进社区的经济影响。自2020年以来,其使命延伸到致力于将亚洲文化艺术社区聚集在一起,展示亚洲的创意表达,希望通过艺术的力量建设一个更加充满活力和繁荣的大社区。


Mi Shen      Chair
Bingwen Yan       Co-chair & Finance Officer
Ruzhao Cheng        Vice-Chair
Huan Gao      Vice-Chair
Jackie Liu      Secretary


The chapter executives are the leaders of each chapter. Their ability to set the tone and direction of each chapter will determine its success.


Sacramento (CA) Chapter 加州首府萨克拉门托分会

Xiaoyi Liu (刘晓艺)      President (会长)
Mengxue Liu (刘梦雪)       VP (副会长)
Fengchun Jiang (姜逢春)       Supervisor (监事长)
Jun Wei (韦 珺)       Treasurer


Minneapolis (MN) Chapter 明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯分会

Huan Gao (高寰)      President (会长)
Ruzhao Cheng (程汝钊 )        Director of Media Partners
Fengzhe Sun (孙凤泽 )       Director of Volunteerism
Huazhi Li (李华志)       Treasurer


Cincinnati (OH) Chapter 俄亥俄州辛辛那提分会

Hannah Feng (冯晓红)       Executive Director
Jun Li (李俊)       Treasurer
Weiwei Wang (王玮玮)       Director
Junzheng Ding (丁俊正)       Director
Rose Luo (罗海峰)       Director


Jersey City (NJ) Chapter 新泽西州泽西城分会

Andrew Chiang (蒋念居)      Executive Director (会长)
Ana Ren         Treasurer


Tampa (FL) Chapter 佛罗里达州坦帕分会

Xiaoming Li (李晓明)      Executive Director
Fengmin Wei (韦凤鸣)       Director
Jessie Xu(徐净植)        Treasurer
